C'Ya Pass : Destroy All Passwords Imagine if you could draw your password. Now you can. The Three Things C'Ya Pass Does Never type a password again. Never memorize a password again. Never make up a password again. What Does C'Ya Pass Do? It gets rid of the need to store your passwords in a notebook, spreadsheet or on a sticky padd under your keyboard. It generates your password from your unique site key and your unique drawing. Your passwords are not stored anywhere. Your passwords are generated using a cryptographic hashing algorithm accepted by the IT Security industry. It's called SHA-256. Google it : https://www.google.com/search?q=sha-256&oq=sha-256 (opens in new window) Why did I create this program? Because passwords are annoying Because we have to memorize too many passwords with all of the different sites we use Because users should use stronger passwords (not based upon words) Because typing passwords on phones and pads with onscreen keyboards is terribly difficult and annoying Because managing passwords is a ridculous thing to waste your time on. Now you can simply memorize one little pattern for all your sites. Watch It In Action New (December 08, 2016) Video Shows Windows / iPhone Usage Android App Windows Desktop App More To Come...